• visceral manipulation

    Visceral Manipulation

  • hot stone

    Hot Jade Stone Massage

  • Cupping Massage

    Cupping Massage

  • Fascial Work

    Fascial Work

About Me.

As a Registered Massage Therapist, I am a registered member of both the CMTO and RMTAO. Priding myself in offering Client-Centered Care, an Accessible Practice, and being 2slgbtqia+ friendly, I am interested in treating the body as an integrated system, focusing on:

  • Ankle/Knee/Foot injuries and/or pain

  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage

  • Craniosacral Therapy

  • Visceral Manipulation

  • Trauma Informed Massage Therapy

  • Fascial and Joint Mobility

  • Spinal Alignment/rotational patterns

  • Core Strength

  • Chronic Pain Symptom Management

  • Neck Pain/Headaches/TMJ/Whiplash

I have a special interest in scar/myofascial work and its impacts on lymph and pain. I use a combination of myofascial work, the Dr. Vodder technique for Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Cupping Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, IATSM, Cold Laser Therapy, and varying depths of tissue work depending on the specific needs and wants of each individual client.

In addition to my massage training, I graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Hon. Bachelor Degree in Social Justice & Peace Studies in 2010. With a passion for social justice, organic food systems, and permaculture gardening, I spent several years as an organic gardener and have an extensive perennial and food garden at my home in Smiths Falls, On.

To find out more about my specific treatments, click on “Work With Me” button below, or keep scrolling for more info!

My Approach to Care.


I approach the body as a whole, and try to take as many factors into account as possible when assessing the area to be treated. Simply because your foot hurts does not necessarily means that’s where the pain originates - I believe it is important to search for that origin and to try to stop the pain at it’s source, progressing towards preventative care in order to stabilize a feeling of wellbeing and ensure a healthy flow of fluids (lymph, blood) through the tissues for optimal health.

You Gotta Nourish To Flourish
— https://www.theodysseyonline.com/you-gotta-nourish-to-flourish - @whoisrenny


I love this quote!

By nourishing our minds and bodies with positive and healthy things like water, local food, exercise, movement, dance, massage/body work, singing, play, stretching, yoga, sports, games, walks in nature, gardening, self awareness….


All of these things can lead to flourishing within every aspect of our lives.

Nourish your body today to flourish tomorrow, and consider coming to see us as a part of nourishing yourself! We look forward to meeting new people in the community every day!

Cancellation Policy

Your appointment time is reserved just for you. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapists’ day that could have been filled by another patient. As such, we require 48 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. Clients who provide less than 48 hours notice, or miss their appointment, will be charged a cancellation fee. In the event that recurrent late cancellations or no-shows occur, profile billing may be changed so that payments will be required prior to treatment.