Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Water Retention

The lymphatic system is one of our body’s filtration systems. It filters out dust particles, waste from the blood stream, toxins, even tattoo ink! It’s a very hard working part of our immune system.

Approximately 35 L of lymph flows through the body throughout a 24 hr period, resulting in a final 2 L being returned to the blood (terminus) to recirculate and begin the cycle again. What a good reason to replace these fluids with drinking water throughout the day!

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Sometimes, though, when the lymphatic system is sluggish, and not running optimally (due to a compromised immune system, injury or trauma, inflammation, or different disease states) the lymphatic system can become static, resulting in decreased lymphatic drainage at the terminus, or decreased flow at the various lymph node stations - leading to water retention or edema.

Keeping your lymphatic system running optimally is good, not just for your physical health, in that it helps the body to process inflammatory compounds and proteins, but also for our immune systems by filtering out viruses.

So how can we get this system flowing when it’s feeling sluggish? Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy.

This is a light touch modality that engages only the skin and works with the lymphatic system to help our bodies process more lymph more quickly. The Dr. Vodder Manual Lymphatic Drainage technique specifically has been proven to show a marked increase in the flow of lymph directly after treatment.

  • For women, there is a time of the month that our bodies tend to retain water, some more readily than others, and this can lead to swelling, discomfort, and sometime even pain.

  • For others, water retention is more chronic, and is part of an auto-immune disorder.

  • And yet for others, retaining water can simply manifest in edema in the lower limbs due to standing up (or sitting down) from a long day at work.

No matter the cause, Manual Lymphatic Drainage can help and provide a solution to manage water retention, no matter it's manifestation.

If you are curious about Manual Lymphatic Drainage and water retention and are wondering if it is the right treatment for your condition, or if you would like to seek treatments for pre/post operative care, please contact me via email, or book now.
Ashley Culp, RMT, BA

Ashley is a registered member of both the CMTO and RMTAO, practicing in Carleton Place, On. Priding herself in offering Client-Centered Care, she is interested in treating the body as an integrated system and has a special interest in craniosacral therapy, fascial work, & chronic pain.


Somatic-Based Massage Therapy


Light Touch Modalities